The Cold is Here


I love these little guys! I always know when the cold is on its way, when I start seeing these little guys come and start dropping acorns from the trees. I find God’s creatures so interesting, the way they snicker to each other , the way they gather food, how they figure out how to open something. The world is an amazing place, but it would be less entertaining if we did not have our little friends ( OR BIG) to share it with.

This little guy was on the ground, chomping on some acorns ,when I had to come out and scare the hell out him. I did not mean too. He sat in this tree and stared at me for good 10 minutes , that was until another squirrel came to town and was about to go after his acorn. I listened as they snickered to each other. I as waiting for a brawl, but the other guy just casually walked away. I wonder was said.